armOS  0.1.0
Minimal ARM Operating System for the Raspberry Pi - Documentation generated for Pi 4.
scheduler.c File Reference

Implementation of scheduler functions. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <kernel/scheduler.h>
#include <kernel/printk.h>
#include <armv8-a/irq.h>
Include dependency graph for scheduler.c:


void preempt_disable ()
void preempt_enable ()
void schedule_tail ()
void switch_to (task_struct *next)
void DEBUG_print_tasks ()
void _schedule ()
void schedule ()
void timer_tick ()


task_structcurrent = &(init_task)
task_structtask [NR_TASKS] = {&(init_task), }
int nr_tasks = 1

Detailed Description

Implementation of scheduler functions.

Function Documentation

◆ _schedule()

void _schedule ( )

Core scheduler function.

Gets called from:

◆ DEBUG_print_tasks()

void DEBUG_print_tasks ( )

Function for printing the task_struct of all running task's.

For debugging.