armOS  0.1.0
Minimal ARM Operating System for the Raspberry Pi - Documentation generated for Pi 4.
irq.c File Reference

Implementation of interrupt handling functions. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include <kernel/printk.h>
#include <kernel/mmio.h>
#include <kernel/uart.h>
#include <kernel/timer.h>
#include <peripherals/irq.h>
#include <peripherals/aux.h>
Include dependency graph for irq.c:


void enable_interrupt_controller ()
void show_invalid_entry_message (int type, uint64_t esr, uint64_t address)
void handle_irq ()


const char entry_error_messages [16][32]

Detailed Description

Implementation of interrupt handling functions.

Function Documentation

◆ show_invalid_entry_message()

void show_invalid_entry_message ( int  type,
uint64_t  esr,
uint64_t  address 

Variable Documentation

◆ entry_error_messages

const char entry_error_messages[16][32]
Initial value:
= {

String array, for the invalid exception type messages.